Monday, September 28, 2009


We had a great weekend camping near Pismo! Pictures to come soon...

Dear Home Depot,
Today is September 28th. Christmas is just shy of 3 months from now. Please pack up all the Christmas stuff and bring it out after Thanksgiving. Thanks!
Love, A Not-So-Ready for Reindeers and Jingle Bells Customer

Dear Barista,
I enjoy Starbucks and the occasional hot coffee beverage. I know my order can be a little long and annoying. For this I tip you from time to time. When you ask my name and put it on the cup, why can't you call out my name when the drink is done, instead of reading each little thing about the drink? Like today: "Tall, nonfat, half decaf, 2 pumps of vanilla syrup, no whip!" Wouldn't it be easier/shorter to just say, "Lindsey"? Just wondering. And thank you for making such a tasty treat for me to enjoy!
Love, A Lover of Lattes

Dear Boogie,
Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful, relaxing day! You're the best!
Love, The Daughter-in-Law

Dear Rob and Katie,
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, Cole! We are so happy for you and we can't wait to meet him!
Love, Your Cousins

Dear Blog Reader,
Sick of all this letter writing? Don't worry- I'm done now.
Love, Me

Friday, September 25, 2009

3 Day Weekend

I have Monday off after school so we are going camping at Pismo beach! We are leaving tonight after Randy gets off of work and we will be coming back on Monday morning. This campground has hookups (which we have never had before) so cooking, doing dishes and taking showers will be easy! We will post pics when we get back!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Awesome Neighbors

We have awesome neighbors. When Randy and his family and friends (who are also awesome) were working this weekend, it seemed like most of our neighbors came over to see what we were up to. Some of them grabbed a shovel and starting digging. Some let us borrow their jackhammers, chainsaws and other tools. They are awesome!

We had planned on driving to our parent's house to take a shower since our water was off and would be until the next day. Since our neighbors knew our water was off, they invited us over to their house to get cleaned up. Now that's pretty awesome!

The next day the guys were working and the gals were in the garage watching them work when another neighbor came over and brought us a bunch of tomatoes and bell peppers she grew from her garden. How awesome!

I feel the need to return the favor of awesomeness and hope I can be as good of a neighbor as they have been.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Excavating Excitement

Randy is excavating. He loved the bobcat and I think he might like this more. He is really quite good at operating all this machinery. If accounting ever falls through, he would have some options!

We are replacing the plumbing from the outside of our house to the end of the driveway and also digging the footings for the retaining wall Randy will be putting in.

The water line was hit so we are going to be without water or plumbing for today and tomorrow. Once again, the trailer will be coming to the rescue! We might need to go somewhere to take a shower tonight but at least we have a bathroom!

There is a giant hole in our front yard- we are hoping small dogs/children/guests/each other/neighbors do not fall in. That would be no bueno. So if you come over look out for the huge hole, ok?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

P90X- Day 1

So we started (struggled through/modified because there was no way we could do like 150 push ups/ended early) P90X tonight. Yep, we're getin' in shape! I am looking forward to day 60 or so (if I last that long) when I can look back at what a pansy I was day 1 and notice how strong I have become. Note to self: Next time you want to do P90X, don't eat Mexican food for dinner.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Friends Have the Cutest Babies

Meet Linden and Keanan, my good friends' babies. They are so cute!

They are affectionately known as "boyfriend and girlfriend."

Although, I don't think Keanan is so excited about the idea.

Marley loves babies. Especially their toes. What's that about?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Skip 1

At church on Sunday we learned about Skip1, a division of Children's Hunger Fund. The concept is to skip something (breakfast/lunch/dinner/latte/maincure/pedicure/movie/buying clothes/etc.), donate the money you would have spent, and help save lives by providing food to those who otherwise would not eat. Pretty simple. Pretty awesome. Here is some info:

We skip because we can.
We skip because 1/6th of the Earth's population is undernourished - more than ever before!
We skip because 25,000 people die every day from hunger and related causes.
We skip because every 6 seconds a child dies of hunger and related causes.
We skip something because the world needs our help.

Donate to Skip something. Feed a child. taps into the world's wealth to bring food and water to children and families in need around the world. Public donations go to the acquisition and distribution of food and water projects worldwide.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My New Bedtime

My new bedtime is 8pm. I know, it's pathetic. My job is tiring. Seriously- I'm wiped. Here are a few things contributing to my tiredness:

I am getting up at 6am. During the summer, 6 was an hour I saw once a day.

I have 12 nose-picking, I mean lovely, wonderful, yet challenging 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders to teach/train/be patient with.

I am staying at work late to organize/prep/create/copy/laminate/etc.

I have countless parents/teachers/administrators to keep happy/off my back.

I have a class/speech/occupational therapy/adaptive PE/mainstreaming/inclusion schedule that makes me cross-eyed and is so overwhelming that I can only look at one line at a time.

I better go... it's past my (new) bedtime!

I forget how long it takes before the "beginning of the year craziness" is over. I am looking forward to it!