We had a great weekend camping near Pismo! Pictures to come soon...
Dear Home Depot,
Today is September 28th. Christmas is just shy of 3 months from now. Please pack up all the Christmas stuff and bring it out after Thanksgiving. Thanks!
Love, A Not-So-Ready for Reindeers and Jingle Bells Customer
Dear Barista,
I enjoy Starbucks and the occasional hot coffee beverage. I know my order can be a little long and annoying. For this I tip you from time to time. When you ask my name and put it on the cup, why can't you call out my name when the drink is done, instead of reading each little thing about the drink? Like today: "Tall, nonfat, half decaf, 2 pumps of vanilla syrup, no whip!" Wouldn't it be easier/shorter to just say, "Lindsey"? Just wondering. And thank you for making such a tasty treat for me to enjoy!
Love, A Lover of Lattes
Dear Boogie,
Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful, relaxing day! You're the best!
Love, The Daughter-in-Law
Dear Rob and Katie,
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, Cole! We are so happy for you and we can't wait to meet him!
Love, Your Cousins
Dear Blog Reader,
Sick of all this letter writing? Don't worry- I'm done now.
Love, Me
5 days ago