Levi is watching Marley in the picture above

Levi, you are 7 months already! Wow! I know I say time is going quickly every month, but it is so true! Here is what you are up to at 7 months old:
You are just the cutest thing in the whole world. Your daddy and I say that to one another almost daily. You are talking so much! You say da da all the time and you even told your daddy "hi" on May 11. On May 2nd your first tooth popped through. Ouch! The bottom 2 are both in now. That was pretty hard on you, especially because you got sick right after. You are feeling much better now, though! You are so observant. You love to watch all around you. You continue to sit up well and scoot all over. You love your walker! The funniest thing is that you try to chase Marley around while you are in it. You even scream at her! It's so hilarious. Bath time is still one of your favorites. You get really excited and love to splash around. You are eating all kinds of food now including butternut squash, sweet potatoes, banana, avacado, peas, prunes, rice cereal and oatmeal cereal. You love to eat and are really good at it! You are sleeping pretty well, but with the teething and being sick thing, we have taken a few steps back. For some reason, you are very interested in looking at the trees blowing in the wind. You have such a great disposition. You are very easy to keep happy. You bring us so much joy we can hardly stand it! How did we ever get so blessed as to be your parents?