You are wearing mostly size 12 month and some size 18 month clothes and a size 4 diaper. You have the longest legs and big feet and are just a big boy! A toddler teacher told me that she thought you were 18 months! ;) You are standing up and taking steps while holding onto things. You have stood on your own a bunch of times and sometimes you even take a step thinking you can walk. You walk pushing the Lion toy and you even know to press its' nose to make it "roar!" You always know how to get out of your "baby jail." You love to cruise around the house and get into everything! You open drawers and I have to rush to make sure you don't slam them on your fingers...maybe mom should baby-proof the house?? :) You love to be outside and do new things. We went to the fair with friends and you loved seeing the animals, all the people, and riding the ferris wheel. You smiled the whole time. You love to swing at the park! You crawl around in the sand and I follow behind you to make sure you don't put anything in your mouth. I have been a little late a few times. Yuck! You love to ride down the slide with me. You laugh every time. You "talk" all the time and say mama, dada, we sort of hear all done and hi and what sounds like oh or go. You high five and are starting to wave bye. You love the variety of foods you get to eat. You eat avocados, carrots, peas, spinach, lentils, chicken, yogurt, cheerios (your favorite), oatmeal, green beans, bananas, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, blueberries, potatoes, and more I have forgotten. You are sleeping better than ever and I am encouraged it will continue to just get better. I can put you down and most of the time you don't cry or fuss too much at all. You go to bed by 8, wake up around 5am to eat, then you go back to bed until 7 or so. You take 2 naps during the day. One is usually from 8:30-9:30 or 9-10 and the other is around 1:30 and lasts anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. You are such a good baby. You are happy and content most of the time. If I leave you though, you can get a bit cranky. Mom's have to use the restroom sometime!! :) Your dad and I are always telling each other, "He's so cute." We look at you in the monitor and joke about waking you up so we can play with you. You love our walks, reading books, when I sing to you, when your daddy gets home, and when you play with family and friends. You use your daddy as a jungle gym. You climb all over him. He has started to "wrestle" with you and you love it. You laugh the whole time. You love to watch the vacuum and the lawn mower. You are the sweetest, most wonderful baby boy and we love you with all of our hearts!
5 days ago