Levi, you are 11 months and you are keeping your mama on her toes! Here is what you are up to a month shy of your first birthday...
You are a total rascal. You climb on the bookcase, bench, and anything else you possibly can. You get into drawers and pull everything out of them- this just happens to be one of your favorite things right now. You have figured out how to unplug your baby bathtub so all the water comes right out. It's time to graduate to the big tub! You take all of my shoes out of my shoe organizer. You unroll the toilet paper and have climbed into the bathtub (head first-ouch!). You LOVE the fan in your room and can hardly fall asleep while it's on. You just want to touch it and pull at the cord. You are into everything. You are so curious about the world around you, and it is impossible to hide anything from you. The remote is always found, the bag of cheerios discovered, and my cell phone is never safe! Ha! You are such a character! We love the stage you are in right now. You dance with any music that comes on and it's the cutest thing ever. You try to copy what we say and since I have been saying, "no" a lot, you have started to repeat it to me. Almost every time you are done with eating or doing anything else where you might be confined, you say "all done," but it isn't super clear. You even repeated us telling you, "love you!" the other day. You have the biggest front teeth coming in. Poor guy! Everyone thinks you look just like your daddy, but now with these big teeth coming in, you will look more like me! :) I thought your adult teeth would be big, but I had no idea your baby teeth would be. You sleep through the night for about 10 hours, then I feed you and you often go back to sleep for a bit. One morning you might wake up at 8 and the next it might be more like 6:30. Each day is different. That goes for napping too. I think the pain you have been in from teething is messing with your sleep a bit. You are the sweetest baby. You often snuggle and hug me when you wake up. You love it when I sing to you. You could take or leave your pacifier. Last night I couldn't find one when I was putting you to bed, so you didn't have one at all and did just fine. You are about 21 pounds and are wearing size 12-18 month clothes. You wear a size 4 diaper. I'm not sure what size shoes you would wear, but I have to start thinking about that because you are about to walk! You are so close! You barely hold on to anything when you cruise around the hoouse. I can give you one finger to hold onto and that is enough now. Sometimes you stand on your own and then are surprised that you aren't holding on to anything so you'll sit down really quickly or grab for something to hold onto. You smile all the time and also have super cute curious and serious looks. You are full of personality! I chase after you and play with you all day long, and it makes me happier than doing anything else in the whole world! We love you our sweet baby boy! We are busy planning your 1st birthday cowboy party. We praise God for you!