Judah Boo, Judah Bear, you are a joy. You are such a happy baby. Everyone who ever meets you calls you "Smiley Boy" or tells us what a delight you are. They are correct, indeed, my love! You are completely, over the top, in love with your mama. You miss me when I'm gone, look for me with determination until you find me, and squeal with delight when you do. You have 2 teeth. The first came in on February 7th. The next one came in the beginning of March. You love your brother so much! You laugh at everything he does. Well, you're not such a fan of him trying to pick you up, but we're working on that one. You take your bath in the big tub next to him now and love it! You have to hold on pretty tightly to your toys, though, as they can get snatched away quickly. You have been waking up only once in the night (thank you, thank you, thank you!) at around 2am to eat. Speaking of eating, you're doing so well with solid foods! We are still mostly just feeding you fruits and veggies and homemade oatmeal cereal, but you've tried beans and rice and love almost everything! You eat 3-4 times a day and nurse about 6 times. You are wearing a size 4 diaper and size 12 month clothes. You weigh 20 pounds. You love to cruise around in your walker and you scoot everywhere, too! You are almost crawling, but scooting will do for now. You smile so big when daddy gets home! He is so good with you. You have the sweetest dimples. You are still swaddled to go down to sleep, but you get yourself out of it quickly. We graduated you to the big boy car seat at the end of February so you will be more comfortable. You babble and say dada all the time. On March 18th, you started saying mama all the time, too! You love it when I sign to you and when I sing to you. You love going on walks! You kick your legs and bounce up and down with excitement. The ladies in the church nursery absolutely love you! You are growing so quickly. I love being your mama. You are such a delight and a joy. God blessed us big time with you!