Happy Easter!
Randy has this t-shirt that asks the question, "Where will you be in 10,000 years?"
Today's Easter service was not a warm, fuzzy look at Jesus. It was a look at the reality of His power. He alone is in charge of the Heavens and the earth. He alone decides if I take another breath. He alone decides if I live another day. He alone decides the same for you. So I found myself thinking of that t-shirt. Where will I be in 10,000 years? Where will you be? This life is not all there is. We have big, important, ETERNAL decisions to make while we are here. Will we believe? Will we ask for forgiveness? Will we follow Him, the only one who gives eternal life? I am and my hope and prayer is that you would too. I would love to see the faces of those I love in 10,000 years, wouldn't you? This is an awesome quote I found on another blog...
"There is no tragedy in being ushered from this life to the next when that next life is spent in the presence of God. The only real tragedy is a life that ends without that hope. When a person rejects the free gift of eternal life God has offered through a relationship with his Son, that is a tragedy."
Much love to you this Easter, as we celebrate the life we have in Him and Him alone!
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