We have been having our community group Bible study at our house for about 3 weeks now. I love it! I am so thankful the Lord has provided us our home to use in this way. I have loved getting to know the many different people in our Newbury Park area who attend our church. We are loving living life with them, studying God's word with them and taking care of each other's needs. We are truly blessed. On Thursday we will be sharing our testimony. I am a little nervous!
I am so happy to report that although there is no news on my work laptop, we bought a laptop for me about a week ago. Yeah! I love it! :)
We are SO excited for our upcoming cruise to Mexico! Over the week of Thanksgiving (and Randy's b-day) we will be going on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera with Randy's parents and brother. I am so excited because I have never been on a cruise before! I am looking forward to rest and relaxation and the whole experience of it all!
I was thinking about this past year, and for many reasons it has been pretty difficult. Family stuff, personal stuff, blah, blah. My heart was feeling really heavy lately as I let these issues rise to the surface because if you don't deal with something, it always comes back until you do. Well, the message at church on Sun. was just what I needed to hear. Francis was speaking on 2 Peter and the passages dealing with putting forth every effort to build moral character. The thing that stuck with me the most was perseverance (or steadfastness.) There seems to be a disconnect between what my head knows (to "consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any kind") and what my heart actually feels. When speaking with a friend at a baby shower on Sun. afternoon, we encouraged each other to persevere; that God is refining us and bringing us closer to Himself through our respective trials. We even said that maybe we shouldn't feel sorry for one another as a result of what we are going through, but instead be joyful that God is bringing trials in our lives to shape our character.
I am happy to have the day off tomorrow for Veterans Day. Randy is taking the day off and we are hoping to do something fun- like go to Santa Barbara for the day or something.
Ok- enough! We are off to run some errands! Love to all!
5 days ago
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