I'm not one of those people who says, "I am so glad this year is over" or "Next year has to be better than this one was!" But if I was a person to say such things, it might be about 09. I admit, the pain of personal loss, family issues and more have clouded my view of the blessings of 2009. Randy woke up next to me this morning and said, "Wasn't it such a great year?" I couldn't believe it! I rattled off my list of why this year was one of the hardest yet. But when he told me how he got to wake up next to me for the last 365 days, how God provided us with a home, and how we are blessed beyond measure by our loving Creator, I softened. I started remembering how we were able to buy a trailer and take many trips, strengthening our bonds with family and friends. I started remembering how we have a Bible study in our home each week with our wonderful new friends. I started remembering how much joy God has given me through these trials. I began realizing how each day is a gift. We just experienced 365 of them. Good or bad, easy or difficult, we had the opportunity to experience them. Since this life is nothing but a dust, a vapor, I am now more grateful for those days than I ever thought possible.
A fresh start to a new year can be cleansing and exciting. I look forward to the ups and downs of this next year. I look forward to where God leads us and the changes that are to come. I look forward to savoring each day and remembering how it is ALL ABOUT HIM! Here are some of my goals for the upcoming year:
1) Be faithful in prayer, scripture reading, serving and seeking
2) Be intentional about developing relationships with neighbors
3) Keep an eternal perspective
4) Spend less and save more for next year to possibly work part-time or stay home with our foster child(ren)
5) Remember that no matter how 2010 pans out, I am incredibly blessed to have a loving Savior who is coming back one day!
6) Keep blogging about it all... I have now been blogging for a whole year! :)
So that's about it. There's nothing like coming full cirlce... Happy New Year!
5 days ago
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