Whenever I read Katie's blog I find myself amazed at her heart and obedience. I also find myself a bit jealous. "Why can't I be given those same opportunities to blindy follow the Lord with all I am?" I wonder. Or I think, "Well of course she can be so obedient. Look where she lives! Look what she is faced with!" I find myself wishing I could care for/give to Jesus (the orphan) or Jesus (the widow) or Jesus (the sick) and Jesus (the poor) like she can.
Well, you can probably tell where I am going with this...
It hit me today like a ton of bricks. As I was driving to work I suddenly realized, I can care for Jesus (the special needs child) just like Katie cares for who she cares for. I can serve Jesus (the homeless) or Jesus (the lonely neighbor) or Jesus (the co-worker)! How am I any different or at any disadvantage because of where I live or because of who is in front of my face on a daily basis? I can be just as obedient here as she is in Africa. It is my choice. I can not get in the habit of limiting myself because I don't feel like I am in the right situation. I am in the exact situation God wants me in, surrounded by the exact people the Lord wants me to be surrounded by. There is no excuse. I just need to be obedient to this:
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Matthew 25:31-46
5 days ago
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