Today you are 2 months old! What a wonderful 2 months we have had with you as our son.
What you are up to at 2 months:
You smile all the time now! It is the cutest thing and it just melts my heart.
You are starting to "ooh" and "aah" more and try to "talk" to us.
Your neck is getting very strong and you can hold that head up really well.
You weigh 12lb. 15oz.
You still LOVE your bath time! It's your favorite for sure!
You are still in size 1 diapers but are growing out of them quickly.
You are fitting in mostly 3 month clothes and some 3-6 month things.
You are majorly attached to your mommy. If I ever hand you to someone (including your poor daddy) you are ok for a bit but then start crying and getting really upset. As soon as your dad hands you back to me, he counts to three and you are happy in my arms again. You are your mama's boy!
Your sleep has been a little sporadic, probably because you haven't been feeling well.
Last night you went 7 1/2 hours between feedings and slept for 6 1/2 hours! Amazing!
You are starting to look a bit like me and not Just your dad.
You are such a good baby. You only cry when you are hungry or tired.
You are the sweetest baby and we love you so much!
I took Levi to the doctor yesterday for a follow-up visit. He has a new cold (bummer!) but his ears and throat both look better which is great. He weighs 12lb. 15 oz. I think it's safe to say his growing has slowed a bit. We are going to stay home for at least a week to make sure he kicks this sickness once and for all.
I wanted to write down something before I forget it..
When Lei was born he was crying (which I know is good.) The nurses cleaned him up, weighed him, warmed him and wrapped him in a blanket. After all this they finally put him on my chest, still crying of course. I said, "It's okay Levi" and he immediately stopped crying and turned to try to look at me. He knew right away who his mama was! So cool!
5 days ago
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