Time is going by so quickly. The days blur right into one another. I have been struck each night this week that another day has passed. What have I done with it? Once a day is gone I can never get it back. I know some days, like many I have experienced over the past 2 weeks of being sick, will just be spent lying around on the couch, playing with Levi and not really doing much else. But I am not content with this existence because I was created for so much more. I am very thankful to be feeling better and have a little energy. I know I can be hard on myself, but I have been reminding myself that all I can do is be faithful with the day. Faithful in parenting moments that are trying. Faithful in my relationships. Faithful to following Him and reading His word. How I live my life is how I live my days. I am loving that I get to live my life as a wife and a mom, a daughter, sister, friend, and a follower of the King.
As I give Levi a bath each night, or get him from his crib each morning when he wakes up, I am amazed with how quickly he is growing, learning and developing. He is 14 months today and he is blossoming into a little person! Here are some things he has been doing lately that I don't want to forget:
He has been bringing me his shoes and walking to the door when he wants to go play outside.
He has been given the cookie part of an oreo, recognizes the box, and says "more, more" anytime he sees it.
He has taken off the bolts, nuts and washers from under the kitchen table. He concentrates for a few minutes while he twists them off. He loves to take things apart.
He is getting better at playing by himself throughout the day.
He loves to hold my hand. It is the sweetest thing. He holds my hand around the house, to bring me to his toys to play, to help him go up and down steps and when we walk into a group of people he doesn't know.
He is talking more and more. He babbles a ton. He points to things as he talks. He has so much to say!
He LOVES his blanket in his crib. It is actually the blanket I has in my crib as an infant. When he is tired, he will head into his room (the only open door in the house), find a pacifier and put it in his mouth, pull out his blanket through his crib slats as much as he can and he'll rest his head on it. He couldn't be more clear, "Mom, I'm ready for a nap!"
He sleeps with the teddy bear my sister Robin made me when I was little. It plays music when you wind it up. He gets so excited to hold the bear as it lulls him to sleep.
He is into absolutely everything. Nothing is safe. No home is baby proof enough. He is a rascal.
He loves his milk. His tummy had a difficult time with it at first, but now we can't give it to him quickly enough.
He is climbing on the furniture. I am fearful of injuries. I don't do well with boo boos.
He is going to have to wait until he is 2 to experience the joy of a Christmas tree. We have decided that it is not developmentally appropriate to put up a tree with shiny ornaments and bright lights and expect him to stay away. Tabletop trees will have to do this year.
He is such a joy!
I love my days. I love my life.
5 days ago
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