We are getting so excited to meet our second little man on July 4th! (If all goes to plan) I am feeling huge and tired, but very blessed at the same time. Everyday tasks are getting more difficult, but I have an amazing and helpful husband! Levi is as sweet, curious and mischievous as ever. We have been pointing out babies for months now and pointing to my belly and saying, "baby brother." I have been praying that the adjustment goes well for Levi, that he would be a kind and gentle older brother, and that he would still receive all the love and attention he needs once his brother arrives. I can't believe we are about to become a family of 4 and that I will have 2 rascals in the house! Phew! I am tired already, but ready for lots of laughs, memories, funny stories and "Dennis the Mennis" times like we had this week. Levi got into the cabinet and poured cornstarch ALL over the floor. While I went to the bathroom. For 1 1/2 minutes. I am in for it!! Our sweet friends took some maternity/family photos for us a few weeks ago and we love them!
Pregnancy info:
How far: 32 1/2 weeks along
C-section planned for July 4th at 39 weeks
Levi will be 21 months old a few days after the baby arrives
Gender: Boy
Sleep: Getting more difficult and uncomfortable, I toss and turn constantly
Cravings: Root beer (??), lemon meringue pie, Mexican food
Names: We like one but aren't sharing yet. I am struggling with middle names
Weight gain: Yeah right, like I would ever share that! :)
Baby gear: We have been SO blessed! We were given a brand new crib, tons of hand-me-down baby clothes, friends threw me a shower and gave us diapers, a carrier and other gifts, family is getting together tomorrow for a small shower, and my cousin is giving us her double strollers! Wow! I am so thankful!
God is so good to us! We thank Him for this new life and our many, many blessings!
6 days ago
You look adorable! We should catch up soon!