Saturday, October 20, 2012

Judah- 2 Months (9/4/2012)

I wrote this in September and am finally posting it. :)

You are 2 months old! Time is flying by! You wear a size 2 diaper, size 3-6 month clothes, weigh 12 1/2 pounds and are 22 3/4 in tall. You are such a sweetheart! You love to coo and “talk” with us. You are so verbal already, ha! You smile all the time and love when we talk to you. You have discovered your hands and put them in your mouth all the time. You are super strong. You love it when we hold you facing out with our arm across your belly. You love to check out what is going on and I think the pressure feels good on your tummy.  You have already had your first cold but you got well quickly. You aren’t a huge fan of riding in the car. You are an amazing sleeper already! You typically sleep from 9pm to 4am! Wow! I am so thankful for the rest. You take about 4 naps during the day. You are so alert when you are awake. You are usually very content. I am so happy I get to be the mama to 2 amazing boys. We love you!

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