Levi, you are 2 years old! What a big boy! We are so thankful for you! You are learning and growing every day. You weigh 28 1/2 pounds and are just over 3 feet tall. The pediatrician expects you to be 6'1" or taller as an adult. You wear 2T clothes and a size 5 diaper. You wear a size 8 shoe. You sleep about 11 hours each night from 8pm-7am. Naps are usually 3 hours from 1-4pm. It seems like they might be getting a bit shorter just in the past week or so. You still sleep in your crib and amazingly, you haven't tried to climb out of it yet! That being said, you have climbed out of the pack n' play at your grandparent's housesYou have gone in the potty one time, but haven't been a fan of trying that again. That's ok. We won't push it until you're ready. . You are very strong! You lift heavy things, push heavy things and are starting to get some impressive muscles. :) You are a total rock climber. You climb on everything! Your daddy wants to make you a rock climbing wall in the backyard. You are still a total rascal. And you're 2. I won't go as far to say you are in the "terrible 2's," but we are working on being kind, gentle, sharing and listening and obeying mommy and daddy. I'm pretty sure every 2 year old is working on those things! :) You are so smart. You can sort different colored pom poms. You can tell us when there are 2 of something. Last night we babysat a baby. He and Judah were laying next to each other. You came up and said, "Two babies!" You are talking way more. You put two to three words together.I'll try to remember all the words you say...truck, tools, food, two, blue, purple, please, baby, mommy, daddy, nana, papa, no, owie, keys, juice, nice, boots, shoes, bar, bubbles, crackers, Bob, (for Bob the builder) doggie, moo, rolly, that, eyes, nose...there are too many to remember!! You are obsessed with trucks! We just had the funnest truck birthday party for you. You are such a sweet older brother. You always want to know where the baby is and you get so excited when you see him! Judah gets kisses from you all day long. You say, "Hi, baby!!" in a very excited voice all the time. You hug Judah, you ask to hold him, you pat him and you even cover him with your very special blanket! We prayed you would be a sweet and gentle older brother and you certainly are! You love tools, run to see the trash truck and are all boy. You have great fine motor skills. You love Marley and chase her all around the yard. You love to give her some of your food. We have taught you that you shouldn't give Marley your crackers. You remind us of this by saying, "Dradras no woo-woo," while shaking your finger no. Translated this means, "Don't give Marley crackers." Apparently you like to call dogs woo-woos. :) You love to play with bubbles in the bath. You still don't like getting water in your face when we rinse the soap out of your hair. You have a very sensitive heart. Mama has to be careful with what you watch. You recently saw a movie at the pediatricians office that scared you and you talked about it all day. Speaking of talking about something all day...A few months ago we walked you down the street to watch the tree trimmers at a neighbors house. Ever since then, you talk about the tree, the truck and the tools every single day. It's usually the first thing you mention when you wake up. You even make a cutting motion to mimic the men cutting the tree branches. You are so cute when you dance. Sometimes you stop to clap for yourself when you think you've done something great. You also kiss some of your own boo-boos and move on without even telling me you've been hurt. You are still such a great helper. You love to empty the trash and vacuum. You love to be given a job like pressing the buttons to start the dishwasher and washing machine. You reach out to hold our hands when we pray. You love books! Daddy reads you the storybook Bible all the time. You sit next to him so nicely and listen very intently. We love you so much and are incredibly thankful for these past 2 years with you! We look forward to each day we get to spend being your parents. You are so special and smart. We praise God for your life and for the joy your bring to ours! Love you!!