Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God.
We listened to a message last night that we had missed at church. I never cease to be convicted of something when I listen to a message. I am convicted to love God more than anyone/anything, and to seek Him and His Kingdom FIRST. This is a command. He doesn't want a little time or focus here and there whenever we can spare it. It needs to be ALL ABOUT HIM. When I think of life, I almost laugh at the silliness of some situations in relation to Him and eternity. Most of life is silliness. He is all that matters. Life is short. A dust. A vapor. We are here one day and gone the next. When we are gone, where do we go? Well, there is Heaven and there is hell. Both are real places. Both are possibilities. Depending on how we live our lives and who we live them for, we will go to one or the other. What a sobering thought. God is loving and does not want to send the wicked to hell, but He is also just and His wrath is real. REAL.
I woke up thinking of Him and singing praises to Him. I love Jesus and am so thankful for his gift of amazing grace. As I seek Him FIRST, I find a peace that does transcend all understanding. He alone provides the peace I so desperately desire. He is worth turning my back of the things of this world. He is worth giving up anything to follow Him. He is worth me giving up control. He is worth IT ALL.
There is a song that goes:
"Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."
5 days ago
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