"We all make mistakes. Life is short. Stuff doesn't matter. It could happen to anyone. It has happened to a few people already. Don't worry about it. "
These are the nice things people have said to me in the past few days, but I am still soooooooooooo bummed!
So my work is wonderful and got us special ed teacher laptops to use for, um, work purposes of course. Well, I do a lot of work at home (no really, I do), so I kept my wonderful laptop at home. Safe and sound. Until.... I dropped it!!! Huge bummer! The LCD screen is cracked. I couldn't hardly sleep- I was so worried about work and the trouble I was in. I sheepishly brought the laptop in to work and told our IT guy about it. He told me I would have to call "The District." Huge bummer. So, I sheepishly called the district IT lady I know who used to be our IT. I told her about it and she assured me that they were covered by warranty and all would be fine. Whew! Until... I get an e-mail today that says the warranty does not cover the cracked screen and it will be $500. She then asks me if she should ask the director of special ed for approval to spend gobs of money to fix my mistake. Um... I asked if there were any other options and she said not really. So here I am, on Randy's laptop, laptop-less myself, known for being the breaker of the laptop.
But at least I know that mistakes happen. It will be fine. It is just stuff. Life is too short to worry about it. It could happen to anyone. Right?
5 days ago
this too shall pass:)