You smile and laugh all the time. You are such a happy boy! You weigh 15.7 lb. (60%) and are 26 7/8 in. long (75%). You still wear 6-9 month clothes. You have gotten long and lean! But you still have those wonderful cheeks! Your daddy calls you Mr. Cheeks! :) You can fit in a size 2 diaper but are mostly wearing a size 3 or a medium gdiaper. You have rolled over a few times! You are still not the best sleeper, but I feel like we are making progress every day! You are napping better and letting me put you down more. You fall asleep very easily when I hold you, you have your pacifier in, and your head is covered in a blanket. It's the funniest thing, especially since I love to sleep with a pillow over my head! You sleep well for the first 3 1/2 hour stretch at night, so I am consistently getting at least that much sleep. You are starting to eat rice cereal! You sometimes make hilarious faces as if you hated the stuff, but then you open your mouth excited for more! You still love your bath time and kick away! You grab at everything (including my hair- ha!) You don't really like car rides unless I am in the back with you. If I drive you anywhere, you are usually upset. Unlike most babies, you don't really fall asleep in the car, even on long car rides. You have learned how to scream. Don't worry, it's not an upset scream, it's more like you are talking to us but you just do it in a high pitched way. Sometimes this scream comes out when you are really tired. You LOVE to cruise around with your dad in the Baby Bjorn! You are facing out now and love to take in all of your surroundings. Your daddy is the best. He takes you on Saturday mornings and Sunday before church so I can sleep in. We are both so lucky!! He can make you laugh more than anyone else can. It is the cutest thing! You are so incredibly loved by everyone in your life. Your grandparents love you so much and come over to see you whenever they can. We are blessed beyond measure to be your parents and to watch you grow! We praise God for you Levi!
5 days ago
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