You are such a good baby! People tell us that all the time. You smile at everyone and have such a great personality developing. You get really excited and “talk” in a high pitched way sometimes. You still love the 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe song, and now you also love the song your daddy made up for you. “Cheeky chi-can or cheeky can’t!” Ha! You are rolling all over the place now and in fact, it is difficult for me to ever get you to stay on your tummy for some tummy time because you just roll right over! You are so curious about your surroundings and seem to really be taking it all in. You are so expressive and inquisitive. You LOVE to explore the world around you by touching everything and then putting it in your mouth! Speaking of that, you now put your feet in your mouth pretty regularly; it’s the funniest thing! You are very flexible to be able to do that! Whenever I take a drink of water from a glass or water bottle, you get super excited and reach your hands out to hold it and get a drink of your own. Just like your mama, you love water! We don’t give it to you to drink; you just get a tiny sip now and then. We stopped feeding you rice cereal until you are 6 months because you were actually sleeping worse when you were eating it. I don’t think your tummy was ready to digest it yet. We didn’t get an official height and weight check from the Dr. this month, but according to our home scale you are 17 pounds. You are wearing 9 month clothes and only a few 6 month things still fit you. You are still in a size 3 diaper or medium g diaper. You have started to use your walker and LOVE it!! I put you in it and you are independent for up to 20 minutes sometimes. It is the greatest thing. You cruise around and concentrate very intently on the toys on the tray. Then you find a way to put the bar with the toys on it in your mouth. You also love your exercauser. You can entertain yourself in that for a long time. I have started showing you a few sign language words; mostly just all done and up. When I say all done now you get excited and sometimes even reach your hands up for me to pick you up out of the bathtub or walker. You are learning so much and it is so exciting to see! To get you to fall asleep I need: to swaddle you, put your pacifier in, cover your head with a burp cloth, hold/rock you for a few minutes, then, you’re out! It’s the magic formula! On Saturday mornings, your daddy is so wonderful and lets me sleep in. That is your special daddy time. He takes you to Home Depot, or plays with you for a few hours and you love every minute of it! You love music. You love your puppy Marley! It is so fun to watch you noticing her. When you see her, especially when you are in your walker, you look down at her and crack a huge smile. You still love your bath time and still aren’t the best sleeper. You usually can do one longer stretch (about 4-5 hours), then you are up every 3 hours or so after that. We know your sleep will get better and better. I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with you, even if it’s in the middle of the night! You are such an amazing gift from God, and we love you so much!
6 days ago
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