Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas Part 3b (Finally!)

Christmas at Grammy and Grandpa's included Grammy putting Levi in a Golden Retriever jacket (she's been waiting so long for it to fit him), a wonderful meal, a new rocking horse for Levi from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jill, and a great day with family. We are very blessed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


For the past few months I have had the joy of taking a parenting class led by Chelsea Cameron (Kirk Cameron's wife) at a local church. I am refreshed and renewed every Monday morning by Chelsea's teachings and encouragement in being a wife and mom. I have taken dozens of pages of notes because I don't want to forget a thing I am learning! Yesterday she talked about the family blessing. She gives each of her 6 children a blessing every night by laying her hands on them and saying a different blessing to each child. Kirk calls in from the road if he isn't home so he can be involved in the blessing. I am so excited by this and started it with Levi last night. Chelsea shared some Biblical examples of Jesus blessing people.
Matthew 19:13-15
13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.
14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

What an amazing way to connect each night, give meaningful touch, make them feel special and loved, and remind them how very much Jesus, mom and dad love them!

She has us write our own blessing to share with our children. Of course, you could always use the Priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26:

24 ‘The LORD bless you
and keep you;
25 the LORD make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”

She shared a blessing similar to this:

"May the Lord bless you and protect you, keep you safe and give you peace, grant you wisdom and knowledge, keep you godly, righteous and pure, and may you know how very much Jesus and Mommy and Daddy love you every day of your life."

I said something similar to Levi last night. I love this so much!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

15 Months

My little man is 15 months old today. He is such a joy, such a rascal, such a cutie. I'm sure it's pretty safe to say that close to all kids will learn how to talk, understand what others do and say and pretty much grow in every area. For some reason, I find it literally amazing when Levi shows us he has developed in a new way! Watching the body and mind of a little person grow daily is one of the most incredible things I have ever witnessed. Here are a few things Levi is doing these days that I don't want to forget (plus his stats):

At 15 months, you weigh about 24 pounds. You are super tall but we aren't exactly sure how tall that is. We go in for your official appointment on Jan. 20th. You are wearing 18 or 24 month clothes and are in a size 4 diaper. You wear a size 5 shoe. You are in a super awesome napping phase right now. I'm pretty sure you're growing. You have been taking 2 naps a day that are 2-3 hours each! At first I thought something was wrong, but now I am embracing it fully. :) You are starting to understand so much more. When I can tell you are looking for something, I'll point out where your water is sitting. You walk straight over to where I pointed and drink your water. The other day, you were fussy and I could tell you were tired. I asked you, "You want to go to bed?" You stopped crying, nodded your head and said, "Yah." Melt your mother's heart!!! You LOVE to play outside. You are such a little explorer. We have literally stayed outside for hours at a time climbing, falling, chasing Marley, playing in dirt and leaves, learning how to climb the stairs on your little slide, running around, pushing things, playing with sticks and sweeping the outside. You are obsessed with brooms rakes and vacuums. If you are fussy, sometimes I'll hand you the broom and you are perfectly happy again. You just started feeding yourself with a fork. You are so proud of yourself. Isn't that so exciting?! :) You are growing up so fast. You climb on everything, get into most things and have stopped being interested in cuddling. You still want your mom and have some separation anxiety, but you are too busy to cuddle. You are attached like glue to your blanket, still love your pac and bottle, and love your bear in the crib when you sleep. The newest addition to our routine is the use of a noise maker. I think it really helps you sleep more soundly as it obviously blocks out any noises going on in the house. Your new hobby is turning the noise maker on and off. As soon as you wake up, you are super excited to turn it off, so you reach for it and babble. Your Grammy taught you this. We have to move your crib away from the wall because you have also been enjoying turning the light in your room on and off when you should be sleeping. It is pretty hilarious to glance at the monitor and see you standing up flicking the light on and off. You are such a character. Lately, when you are excited or happy, you say, "ooooooooooooooooooohhhh." It is so, so cute. We are incredibly blessed to be your parents. We love you so very much!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Part 3 (a)

On Christmas day, we woke up and got Levi's toolbench out for him to discover. When he woke up, Randy went to get him while I waited with the camera. We wanted to catch his reaction to his Christmas present. Levi is super attached to his blanket these days. The funny thing is that he is in love with the same blanket I had in my crib as a baby. 28 years later my son can't be parted with it! He often wanders into his room throughout the day, pulls the blanket through the slats in his crib and brings it out to the living room. So, when Randy took his pac out and took his blanket away so he could round the corner and discover his gift, we did not have a very happy camper on our hands.

Randy gave Levi his beloved blanket back and all was well with the world once again. Once he looked around the corner, he was super excited to see a new toolbench! He kept saying "Ooooohhh!" over and over. Before he even got to the toolbench, he dropped his most prized possession like he couldn't get rid of it fast enough! He had a new toy to discover!

Christmas Part 2

We celebrated Christmas with my family on Friday the 23rd. It was such a nice time! I can't remember the last time ALL of my siblings and their children were together under the same roof. The kids all loved being together, we caught up on life, opened gifts and ate a yummy turkey dinner. I just love Christmas!