On Christmas day, we woke up and got Levi's toolbench out for him to discover. When he woke up, Randy went to get him while I waited with the camera. We wanted to catch his reaction to his Christmas present. Levi is super attached to his blanket these days. The funny thing is that he is in love with the same blanket I had in my crib as a baby. 28 years later my son can't be parted with it! He often wanders into his room throughout the day, pulls the blanket through the slats in his crib and brings it out to the living room. So, when Randy took his pac out and took his blanket away so he could round the corner and discover his gift, we did not have a very happy camper on our hands.

Randy gave Levi his beloved blanket back and all was well with the world once again. Once he looked around the corner, he was super excited to see a new toolbench! He kept saying "Ooooohhh!" over and over. Before he even got to the toolbench, he dropped his most prized possession like he couldn't get rid of it fast enough! He had a new toy to discover!
Oh my gosh, those crying pictures are hilarious! Thanks for having us over today! We should do it more often, there were more things to talk about and we had already talked a ton!