At 15 months, you weigh about 24 pounds. You are super tall but we aren't exactly sure how tall that is. We go in for your official appointment on Jan. 20th. You are wearing 18 or 24 month clothes and are in a size 4 diaper. You wear a size 5 shoe. You are in a super awesome napping phase right now. I'm pretty sure you're growing. You have been taking 2 naps a day that are 2-3 hours each! At first I thought something was wrong, but now I am embracing it fully. :) You are starting to understand so much more. When I can tell you are looking for something, I'll point out where your water is sitting. You walk straight over to where I pointed and drink your water. The other day, you were fussy and I could tell you were tired. I asked you, "You want to go to bed?" You stopped crying, nodded your head and said, "Yah." Melt your mother's heart!!! You LOVE to play outside. You are such a little explorer. We have literally stayed outside for hours at a time climbing, falling, chasing Marley, playing in dirt and leaves, learning how to climb the stairs on your little slide, running around, pushing things, playing with sticks and sweeping the outside. You are obsessed with brooms rakes and vacuums. If you are fussy, sometimes I'll hand you the broom and you are perfectly happy again. You just started feeding yourself with a fork. You are so proud of yourself. Isn't that so exciting?! :) You are growing up so fast. You climb on everything, get into most things and have stopped being interested in cuddling. You still want your mom and have some separation anxiety, but you are too busy to cuddle. You are attached like glue to your blanket, still love your pac and bottle, and love your bear in the crib when you sleep. The newest addition to our routine is the use of a noise maker. I think it really helps you sleep more soundly as it obviously blocks out any noises going on in the house. Your new hobby is turning the noise maker on and off. As soon as you wake up, you are super excited to turn it off, so you reach for it and babble. Your Grammy taught you this. We have to move your crib away from the wall because you have also been enjoying turning the light in your room on and off when you should be sleeping. It is pretty hilarious to glance at the monitor and see you standing up flicking the light on and off. You are such a character. Lately, when you are excited or happy, you say, "ooooooooooooooooooohhhh." It is so, so cute. We are incredibly blessed to be your parents. We love you so very much!
5 days ago
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