Sunday, January 9, 2011

3 Months

Levi, you are already 3 months! Time is going by so quickly! Here is what you are up to at 3 months...

You weigh 14.1 lb (75%) and are 24 7/8 in. long (80th). You are wearing 6-9 month clothes and wear a size 2 diaper, or size med. gdiaper. What a big boy! You are finally feeling great! You smile all the time and are usually such a happy boy! You have even started laughing! It is the cutest thing ever! You coo and "talk" all the time. We have been having lots of conversations lately. :) You still love your bath! You kick your legs and splash all around. Not only do you kick in the bath, but everywhere else too. You often kick to show you are excited. You have found your hand and love to suck on it and bite your fingers. The Dr. says you aren't teething yet, but that some babies like to suck their thumbs and some chew on their hands. You love to be swaddled and only like your paci when you are falling asleep. You are sleeping 5-7 hours a night (mostly 5), and aren't the best napper in the world. Some days you will only doze off for 1/2 hour at a time, and others you might sleep for a few hours. I haven't been super strict about the schedule so you eat either every 2 or 3 hours.

Everyone loves you and says you are such a beautiful boy! We are so thankful to be your parents! We love you so much!