Monday, April 23, 2012

18 Months

Levi, you turned 18 months old early this month! Here is what you are up to now that you are 1 1/2!
You weigh 25.6 pounds and are over 33 inches long. You wear 18 or 24 month clothes, size 6 shoes and a size 5 diaper. You are active, inquisitive, busy, curious, sweet, sensitive, hilarious and as usual, a TOTAL rascal. Some of my favorite rascal moments include you climbing to the top of the table and writing all over your hand with a pen you found up there, throwing ice all over the place at a birthday party we just attended, tipping your cup upside down to make puddles of water around the house, feeding Marley your snacks, pouring tons of water out of the bathtub, chasing Marley and hitting her with sticks, going down our slide face first on your stomach and your back and so many more. You are starting to talk more everyday. You consistently say: Daddy (your absolute favorite), mama, uh-oh, go, doggie, ah dun (all done), mil (milk), tank tu (thank you), yeah, yes and no. You've said Marley, Maggie and other words too. You shake your head "no" to a lot of things we ask like, "You want to go to bed?," "Do we need to change your diaper?" and so on. It is so funny. You are feeding yourself alomst completely and you love it. You eat well most days, but usually have a big breakfast or lunch and a small dinner. You drink milk a few times a day. You LOVE Curious George. You bring me the remote usually once a day when you want to watch an episode. Occasionally we watch Sesame Street, but that's it for the TV. You LOVE to play outside. We are outside for hours a day. You climb, slide, play in the house, dig in the dirt, "paint" with water on the fence, pretend to mow the lawn, chase Marley and hit her with sticks, push around your wagon or car and play in our play house. You love to explore. If I turn my back for one second, you are climbing on something that is too high and quite dangerous looking. You are such a great little helper. You love to use your small hand-held vacuum, you pretend to wipe things down, you pick up your bath toys and put them in the basket, you out your clothes in your hamper when I ask and you throw things in the trash occasionally. I hope this lasts! Your mommy appreciates the help so much! The other day you ate a cereal bar and got crumbs all over your hands and leg. You "talked" to me while making a hand motion. I finally realized that you wanted me to wipe you off. So, so cute! You LOVE to read. You bring me books all the time and your attention span has grown so that we can usually get through a whole book. You try to kiss Marley all the time now because I often tell you to be gentle. Speaking of being gentle, if I ask you where the baby is, you show me your belly or point to mine. Then you pat my tummy and sometimes you even kiss it! What a sweetheart! I am praying you will be a kind and gentle older brother. You are our greatest joy and blessing and we love you so much!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life These Days

Life these days has been full, fun, busy, lovely. We are loving our new church, new friends, new life we are expecting in July. We celebrated Ryan and Jill's marriage in March. We are loving our little man. He is our joy, our most precious earthly treasure and responsibility. This weekend he will be 18 months old.
I am so thankful for these blessings I don't deserve. What a beautiful life.