Saturday, November 13, 2010

1 Month

Here is what's happening now that you are 1 month old!
You have outgrown all of your newborn clothes and your 3 month clothes fit you pretty well.
You are a big boy! Your cheeks and chin are chubby and so cute!
You seem to have grown every time I pick you up after a nap.
You are wearing a size 1 diaper, but we are mostly using g diapers now.
You LOVE bath time! Just not the part when you have to get out and it's cold!
You are smiling a bit, but we can't tell if this is still gas. :)
You already have your first cold/cough. :(
We are starting to put you on a schedule so you can sleep more at night and it is going well so far!
You are the most precious gift from God and we love you so much!

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