Monday, October 17, 2011

Sister Love

I love my sisters. They mean so much to me. When I was growing up, I wanted to be just like them. During the era of hair flipping and big bangs, I flipped my hair just like them and made my hair big like they did. I listened to the music they liked (Pearl Jam and Live come to mind) and wanted to watch MTV like they could. I cried when they left from visiting for the weekend. I couldn't wait for them to come over again. My sisters will always hold a special place in my heart. Now that we are adults, I enjoy their company and just like when I was a kid, I can't wait to see them again.

I was going through a box of old cards and school projects the other day. I came across letters and cards from my sisters and it brought back memories and made my heart happy. One in particular was so cute. It was a card with paper dolls I could complete. I could tell they were pretty young when they gave it to me. The card said:
On the front...
For the Birthday Girl, A Pretty Paper Doll for You

Robin wrote:
I want this to be the best birthday you've ever had. Smuchims! I love you. Love, Robin

Amy wrote:
I love you so much you little tough girl. You are the best little sister anyone could ever have. Everyone is always telling us that you are so adorable. Love, the other tough girl, Amy

So, so sweet! Here are some letters for you, sisters.

You are beautiful and strong. You are a wonderful mom. You have a sense of humor that comes out of nowhere and gets me rolling! You are so special to me. You are one of my favorite people in the world. I love you!

You are beautiful and open. You are great mom. You have such a wonderful heart. You live far but I never feel far from you. I have such fun with you when we are together! I love you!

I got to see Amy last weekend and I get to visit Robin later this week! Love you girls! :)

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